Lerni, an online language learning platform: English, Business English, and Spanish (A1-B2), German and French (A1-B1), Italian (A1-A2).
Courses with various levels of advancement and intensity, all available languages are available to the user at the same time. The platform is available in 11 language versions.
In addition, after completing the course, it is possible to download a certificate. A dictionary is also available in the form of a mobile application.
Available in the Extra package.
How to use?
In the Menu bar, select Multidostęp. Find the Personal development category, find the Lerni service, and click Start.
2. Go to the service tab and follow the instructions on the right side of the screen.
2a. Generate the code.
2b. Go to the Lerni page.
3. Register on the Lerni page. Enter the code in the promotion code field. Accept the regulations. Log in to Lerni with your MultiLife account.
How to use it on you smartphone
In the Menu bar, select Multidostęp. Find the Personal development category, find the Lerni service, and click Start.
2. Go to the service tab and follow the instructions on the right side of the screen.
2a. Generate the code.
2b. Go to the Lerni page.
3. Register on the Lerni page. Enter the code in the promotion code field. Accept the regulations. Log in to Lerni with your MultiLife account.